あたらしく がっこう に にゅうがく する みなさん へ (For students going to enter schools in Japan)



にほん の がっこう に はいる こども が つかえる どうぐ が あります。

にほんご が わからなくても つかえます。

ぜひ つかって ください。

There are some helpful tools here that students from other countries can use in schools in Japan.

They include a range of translations, so they are available without knowledge of Japanese.

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これ が かんじょうカード です。

じぶん の きもち を つたえられます。

リンクトゥミャンマー が つくりました。


Here is the "Emotion Card" created by Link To Myanmar that contains a range of basic Japanese words to express various emotions.

It also includes translations into English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, and Myanmar Language, so children who can't speak Japanese can communicate with others by using it.

You can print out the card and bring it to the school.

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Please print out this PDF file.
PDFファイル 315.4 KB

これ が サバイバルカード です。

がっこう で じぶん の したい こと を


札幌子ども日本語クラブ が つくりました。

The "Survival Card" is a helpful tool created by the Sapporo Kodomo Nihongo Club, an organization that assists children from foreign countries.

It contains a range of phrases to express common needs in school.

It also includes translations into Chinese, Korean, Russian, English, Portuguese, and Spanish, so children who can't speak Japanese can communicate with others with the card.

You can print out the card and bring it to the school.
